Nordex growth hormone – what is it?
There are now a large number of growth hormone products on the market from various companies. It is quite obvious that due to high competition, its value is gradually declining. Very often, builders decide to buy Nordex growth hormone. This is due to the good quality of the drug and its attractive cost.
Nordex Growth Hormone Effects
For a long time, animal carcasses have been used for the production of somatotropin-based preparations. As a result, the cost of drugs was extremely high, and side effects were common. It was not until the 1980s that recombinant technology was developed that made it possible to significantly simplify the production of RR.
However, before Chinese manufacturers enter the market. Growth hormone was only available to professionals. This fact is largely due to the beginning of the production of growth hormone by Chinese companies. Many builders want to know how Nordex growth hormone works. This allows you to use it more effectively and avoid side effects. This drug produces an indirect effect on the body, which is based on the work of the insulin-like growth factor and somatomedins. These substances are produced in the body in response to the active synthesis of growth hormone.
Nordex Liquid Growth Hormone is completely identical to the natural hormone substance and its molecule contains 191 amines. The drug is of excellent quality and effectiveness. It is these facts that can be considered the main components of the success of the drug from the Nordex company.
Among the positive properties of GR, it is worth noting:
- It has powerful anabiotic properties.
- It allows you to stimulate not only the processes of muscle fiber hypertrophy, but also hyperplasia.
- Actively uses the body's fat reserves.
- Tissue regeneration processes are accelerated.
- It has a positive effect on the work of the joints.
- Does not lead to water retention in the body.
Nordex Growth Hormone Dosage and Application
We recommend that bodybuilding fans start the course with a daily dose of 5 units. This applies to those athletes who have not previously used this drug. As for the maximum dose, it is 10 units. You should not be guided by the courses of professional builders who use this drug in huge doses, up to 30 units. If after the first few days there are no side effects, you can increase the dose to 10 units.
After that, it is worth switching to two single injections in order to increase the effectiveness of the course. Growth hormone is used for up to six months. After that, antibodies begin to be actively synthesized in the body, which leads to a drop in the effectiveness of the course. Many athletes, with enough experience, use growth hormone in combination with other types of pharmaceuticals. For mass gain, you can use Boldenone or Testosterone Enanthate. If you need to get rid of a lot of fat, then add thyroid hormones to the course.
Nordex Growth Hormone Review
All novice builders should definitely study Nordex growth hormone reviews. Thanks to this, you will better understand the worthy principles of using the drug. Experienced bodybuilders recommend starting with solo courses that are effective enough. Only after gaining experience can you start combining GH with other types of farming.