Norditropin NordiLet 10mg/1.5ml (HGH)




Norditropin NordiLet stimulates skeletal and somatic growth, and also has a pronounced effect on metabolic processes.

Somatropin, replenishing endogenous growth hormone deficiency, helps normalize body structure by increasing muscle mass and reducing body fat.

Most of the effects of somatropin are carried out through insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), which is produced in all cells of the body (mainly liver cells). More than 90% of IGF-I is associated with proteins (IGFBP), of which IGFBP-3 is the most important.

Somatropin enhances bone tissue remodeling, which is manifested by an increase in the activity of biochemical bone markers in plasma. In adults, in the first months of treatment, due to a more pronounced resorption of bone tissue, a decrease in its mass is observed, however, with continued treatment, the mass of bone tissue increases.

Indications of the drug Norditropin NordiLet


– growth retardation due to growth hormone deficiency,

– pronounced growth hormone deficiency (GHR), which persists in adolescents after the end of growth (transition period), confirmed as follows: with a high probability of persistent GHR, i.e. severe GHD that developed during childhood with or without two or three other hormonal deficiencies, which may be due to genetic causes, in severe RDH associated with structural hypothalamic-pituitary disorders, central nervous system tumors, or in patients receiving radiation therapy to the cranial region, the presence of certain genetic causes or GHR secondary to pituitary/hypothalamic disease or stroke, sufficient evidence of profound CRS is considered, if the CRS IGF-I level is <-2 when treated with growth hormone for at least 4 weeks. If IGF-I is >-2 RSC, a growth hormone challenge should be performed.

For all other patients (low probability, including idiopathic, isolated GHR, or additional hormone deficiency), quantitative IGF-I determination and a growth hormone challenge test are necessary. The diagnosis of GHD is confirmed if the results obtained with the quantitation and provocation test are low.

A low response (growth hormone level) to stimulation (peak GH < 6 g/L on the insulin tolerance test (ITT), and peak GH < 16.5 g/L on the GH test -RH + arginine) confirms the diagnosis of GHR.

– growth retardation in girls with gonadal dysgenesis (Shereshevsky-Turner syndrome),

– growth retardation in children during the prepubescent period, due to chronic renal failure (CRM),

– short stature in children (current growth standard deviation coefficient (RSC) <-2.5, corrected height RSC (depending on height of parents) <-1), who had prenatal growth retardation and birth weight below -2 SD, and did not reach age-specific growth rate by 4 years or later (RSC growth rate (SR) <0 during past year).


Confirmed growth hormone deficiency during the transition period, seen in infancy.

Deficiency and growth hormone deficiency developed during adulthood.

Severe growth hormone deficiency with established disease of the hypothalamic-pituitary region, with radiation therapy to the skull region, and traumatic brain injury (deficiency of another hormone, except prolactin), confirmed during a provocative test after initiation of replacement therapy suitable for any other hormonal deficiency.

For adults, the provocative test of choice is the insulin tolerance test, the level of pathologic values: peak growth hormone <3 g/L. If an insulin tolerance test is contraindicated, an insulin tolerance test should be used. alternative challenge test. A combination test with arginine and somatocrine (GH-RG) is recommended. Arginine or glucagon tests may also be considered, but their diagnostic value is less than that of an insulin tolerance test.

Norditropin is the choice of many athletes

There are many preconceptions about synthetic growth hormones. Some believe that these chemicals are necessary only for people with special genetic disorders (growth retardation, dwarfism), others spread legends about the allegedly monstrous and irreversible deformation of the bones of the skeleton, especially the maxillofacial region due to the use of such drugs. Norditropin destroys these idle myths.

When choosing between taking steroids and Norditropin, it is worth looking at this option not only from the side of its speed of action, but also from the side of the popularity of its use. Professional athletes have long made a decision in favor of the growth riot, because it is not only the safest, but also practically not detected in doping tests. And this applies not only to bodybuilding stars, but also to popular athletes of almost all high-speed sports, baseball players, representatives of American football, rugby. And the fact that such stars spend thousands of dollars a year on this drug is of great interest to a growing number of athletes.

Sure, contradictory comments are not excluded, but Norditropin is currently a favorite among athletes who want to gain a big dry weight in a short time. This is possible due to its ability to cause rapid production in the liver and powerful release into the blood of insulin-like growth factor and somatomedins. These elements excite the pituitary gland, which directs its efforts to produce special polypeptides that work for the growth and strengthening of the body.

Norditropin has an anabolic effect that no other steroid can provide. The meat is growing at an incredible rate, so proteins are intensively synthesized. At the same time, not only muscle cells increase, but their number also increases. At the same time, fat is burned so quickly that the athlete can lean on higher-calorie foods (of course, no fanaticism about chicken legs – of course, this note is not for professionals).

The main and undeservedly unnoticed quality of Norditropin by beginners is the strengthening of bones, tendons, cartilage.This is what makes it possible to direct all force to increase training duration, lifting all new weights without fear of stretching, muscle breakdown, or other injuries that often await an athlete when he overdoes it at the most inopportune moment. So if a novice bodybuilder fears that the rapid increase in mass will lead to injury – this is not about Norditropin, here it works as a personal bodyguard.

To exclude the occurrence of unwanted side effects, it is necessary to consult a doctor for those who have a tendency to diabetes or thyroid problems. All the terrible horror stories, in fact, remain a myth. The main rule when using Norditropin is adherence to the dosage and duration of the course: fanaticism leads to disastrous consequences even if you are addicted to seemingly useful vitamins.

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